Letiția Popa
Brief Family Glimpses / Fragmente de scurtă durată cu surori - 2017
Directing: Letiția Popa
Photography: Cătălin Rugină
Editor: Carina Pușcașu
Sound: Andreea Nedelcu
Starring: Victoria Ecaterina Moraru, Adrian Ban, Alexandra Răduța, Roberta Șerban
Language: Romanian
Genre: fiction
Year: 2017
Length: 12 minutes
producer: UNATC
Previous Screenings:
Cinemaiubit Film Festival (2017)
Balkan Food Film Festival (2017)
Balkan can Kino (2017)
Youth Film Festival Skopje (2021)
A short film about two sisters visiting Bucharest to spend a day with their mother. The mother postpones their meeting, and so the older sister decides to pass her time separately.
During this time, the girls start exploring their surroundings, and their relationship with the space; the youngest, her mother's closet. The oldest, her future city.
Slowly, these spaces bring them closer to an intimate relationship with themselves.